
We are a dialogue forum for young people.

Attitudes count for us.

Narrative Change Academy

The first year of the Narrative Change Academy has come to an end. What did we learn, what surprised us, what do we want to do differently next time? What recommendations for action can we give to civil society organizations from all over Europe that are active in the field of migration and anti-racism and want to use the narrative change approach to leave their own bubble? Our report summarizes the concept and structure of the academy, presents important findings from the campaign work and examines the effectiveness of the newly developed narratives.

Read the report here


Our latest publications are now available in English!

They highlight important findings on anti-Muslim racism against young people in Germany, present impulses and recommendations of young network members for living together in our post-migrant society and formulate specific statements and recommendations for policy, research and education.

Read more

Narrative Change Academy

Over the past few months, our Narrative Change Ambassadors from France, the United Kingdom and Germany have been working on a digital campaign as part of the Narrative Change Academy. The #UnboxStories campaign has now launched on Instagram!

In times of political polarisation, the spread of misinformation and discriminatory discourses, the campaign aims to strengthen cohesion and solidarity in Europe. We want to create our own narratives and shape the post-migrant Europe of tomorrow.

Look at the campaign

  • "No one really talks to each other here."

    With us, everyone has a voice. Everything happens with trust and openness.

  • "I don't like the way people see me."

    We would say to not let other people define you. Define yourself and your life.

  • "We desperately need change."

    We provide inputs, give pushes, and share ideas – but what becomes of all of this, you decide.